Within the celebration of the 25 anniversary of the Eurasian national university of L.N. Gumilev, on the approved schedule of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 09, 2021 XIII will take place at 10:00 o'clock the Republican Olympic Games subject online on disciplines "The organization of transportations and traffic control" and "the organization of cargo and commercial work" among students of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Republican Subject Olympiad in the above disciplines will be held according to the tasks compiled in Kazakh and Russian.

The assessment of the performance of tasks by the participants of the Olympiad will be carried out for each discipline separately in points. Tasks for each discipline are estimated at 100 points.

Students of 2-3-4 courses of the specified specialty of state and non-state higher educational institutions, full-time education can participate in the Olympiad. The number of participants should not exceed 3 people from one university, regardless of the language of the discipline.

Participants of the Olympiad are pre-registered on the Microsoft Teams (https://www.microsoft.com) platform and team leaders report in writing about the registration of the participant 5 days before the Olympiad.

When nominating students to participate in the second stage of the Olympiad, the higher educational institution sends the following documents to the YENU L.N. Humilev:

- a letter signed by the rector (vice-rector) on the results of the first stage of the Olympiad or a decision of the Academic Council of the university, which is drawn up by a protocol;

- application for participation in the second stage of the XIII Republican Subject Olympiad (completed for each participant).

To participate in the second stage of the XIII Republican Subject Olympiad, please send documents by April 03, 2021 to the e-mail address: aiman.enu@yandex.kz

Organizational Committee Address:

010000, Nur-Sultan, ul. Kazhymukan, 13;

Eurasian National University named after L. N. Humilev, "Transport and Energy" Faculty, Department "Organization of Transport, Traffic and Operation of Transport." (building No. 3 - CISI, 4th floor of building No. 431)

Work phone: 8 (7172) 709529

Internal telephone: 33-140

е-mail:  aiman.enu@yandex.kz

Olympiad coordinators:

Head of the Department of Arpabekov Muratbek Ilyasovich, tel. 8 701 730-12-24

Aitkhozhina Ayman Sagimbekovna, tel. 8 777 3087-23-30

The program and rules of the II stage of the XI Republican inter-university subject Olympiad can be found on the website https://tef.enu.kz/subpage/kafedra-opdet