By order of the rector of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sydykova E.B. from January 12, 2012 was opened transport and energy faculty, which includes the departments of five departments:
"Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport" - the head of the department is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Arpabekov MI,
"Standardization, and certification" - head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baikhozhaeva B.U.,
"Heat power engineering" - the head of the chair is с.t.s., docent Sakipov K.Ye.,
"Transport, transport equipment and technologies" - the head of the department is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B.Togizbaeva.
"Electric power industry" - the head of the chair is с.t.s., docent Zhakishev B.
The faculty is equipped with computers and office equipment, and the material and technical base for conducting high-quality practical and laboratory classes corresponding to the world standards of education is constantly updated and improved.
Transport and Energy Department trains personnel in the following specialties of bachelor, master's and degrees:
6В07532 - "Standardization and certification";
6В07550 - "Metrology";
6В11301 - "Organization of transport, traffic and operation of transport";
6В11302 - "Logistics";
6В07113 - "Transport, transport equipment and technologies";
6В07117 - "Heat power engineering".
7M07532 - "Standardization and certification";
7M07550 - "Metrology";
7M11301 - "Organization of transport, traffic and operation of transport";
7M11302 - "Logistics";
7M07113 - "Transport, transport equipment and technologies";
7M07117 - "Heat power engineering".