An agreement was signed with the Czech technical University for the purpose of academic exchange, joint research work. The result of this work was the entrance of the Department of "Transport, transport equipment and technology" Baigazieva S. B., Kabysheva, E. K. full time PhD doctoral. Work is continuing on training on double-diploma education and the receipt of the application for a license in doctorate. Involve social partners and employers in the development and examination of educational programs, such as JSC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy", JSC "Kazakhmys", the Committee of Metrology etc. Created the Bank the diploma and master thesis.
Graduate research practices are held at the enterprises of Astana city, such as the RSE "Kazinst", RSE "KazInMetr", JSC "NCEC", LLP "CCNTCR housing," PCG on PVC "Astana su Arnasy" JSC "Bus fleet №1", JSC "Kaztransservice", JSC "Suburban transportation" JSC, "Astana - Energy", JSC "Astana-Teplotranzit" and others.