Material and technical resources

Material and technical base of the department "Standardization, certification and metrology"



Work on equipping the material and technical base with modern equipment adequate to the content of the educational program OP 6B07532-Standardization and certification, 6B07750 - Metrology, OP 7M07532 - Standardization and certification, 7M07550 - Metrology has continued at the Department of SSaM.

The instrumentation of the laboratories meets modern requirements and is sufficient for conducting training sessions and scientific research. The purchased equipment and devices are installed in the auditorium of the CSIS building No. 101, 102. Educational and scientific laboratories used in the process of teaching educational programs fully comply with sanitary and fire safety standards, regulatory indicators established by the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan 5.03.009-2006 "Educational and material assets of higher educational institutions".

Educational laboratories (classrooms 101, 102, 140a, 141 building No. 3) are designed to conduct laboratory and practical classes in the disciplines: "Qualimetry", "Testing, control and safety of products", "Metrology", "Product quality expertise", "Methods and means of measuring physical quantities", "Materials Science and new materials", "Databases and expert systems".

When selecting the purchased equipment and virtual laboratories, monitoring of domestic and foreign firms for the production of laboratory devices and equipment, a survey of the teaching staff of the department is carried out. Decisions when applying for modern laboratory equipment are made collectively.

The department has a computer class (auditorium 104, building 3). The software package contains all the necessary regulatory framework, which is periodically updated.

Every year, the Department of CSIM submits applications for the purchase of devices and installations.

In order to improve material and technical resources, to carry out experimental research on theses and to undergo industrial and pre-graduate practice, the Department of SSM has opened branches in the RSE "KazStandart" (ENU 54-14 "Regulations on the branch of kaf. SiS" dated 28.05.14).

In the educational process (for conducting research and passing research practice), material and technical The base of the National Accreditation Center (NCA) LLP. The Department has signed a cooperation agreement with NCA LLP.

There is a computer classroom (room 104, CSIS) with access to information resources (Platonus, Moodle, SmartENU, corporate mail) in use by students and teachers of the department of CSIM. The availability and use of these resources is under constant control of the University services. The department regularly publishes complete and objective information on the OP on the faculty's website, in the republican and local media, in the university newspaper "EURASIA UNIVERSITY", in advertising booklets and banners.

The computer class of the department of SIM is equipped with 26 units of computer equipment, which is also connected to information resources, including the Unified State Fund of regulatory technical documents of the KTRM MTI RK.

In all disciplines of OP 6B07532 and OP 7M07532, educational and methodological complexes of disciplines, methodological guidelines for laboratory and practical classes were developed.

The department provides students with information and reference and methodological materials necessary for the development of the educational program (reference guide, academic policy of the university, academic calendar, etc.).

To obtain information and reference and methodological materials, each student can view these materials at any time in his personal account automated information system (AIS) “Platonus” ( /)

Internet technologies, video conferences, webinars, automated testing of students are widely used in the educational process of OP 6B07532 and OP 7M07532.

In order to inform students, staff and the public, the official website of the university is functioning ( /), website of the Faculty of Transport and Energy ( /), e-mail of the Department of SIM: . The official website contains detailed information about the university, the rector's blog functions: /.

The university provides students with open access to information about the activities of the university and about available grants and scholarships.

At the Department of SIM for the implementation of OP 6B07532, OP 7M07532 by the teaching staff in 2021-2022, educational and methodological literature in English was prepared and published:

1. Bakhozhaeva B.U.Khaimuldinova A.K. Marketing in standardization ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, 2021.- 135 p. – 30 pcs.

2.      Ladnorg Siegfried. The guide to quality products & customer satisfaction : tutorial / Ladnorg Siegfried, B. Bakhozhaeva, Meirbayeva G.-B.; Ministry of science and education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University. - Nur-Sultan : L.N. Gumilyov ENU, 2021. - 273, [2] p. : ill. - Text of the English - Bibliogr.: pp. 273-274. - ISBN 978-601-08-1528-5.

As part of the development of the multilingual program to increase the book supply of OP 6B07532 and OP 7M07532, the department regularly submits applications for the purchase of educational and scientific literature in Kazakh, Russian and a foreign language.

In 2020-2022, 142 bibliographic applications were made. Of these: literature in Kazakh – 38, in Russian -27, in a foreign language – 46.

ENU has a library containing the materials necessary for training: educational, technical and reference literature, various periodicals, etc. 

Material and technical resources