Meeting with a foreign professor

According to the program of a short-term invitation of foreign professors, Ph.D., Professor of the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza of the Portuguese Republic Frollen Ribeiro Luis Manuel arrived to deliver an open lecture on "Renewable Energy Technologies. What was conquered, and what lies ahead?"

teaching staff of the department "Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport", students of the educational program 6B11302- Logistics by industry, as well as everyone took an active part in this event.

High professionalism, excellent presentation of the material, interesting video accompaniment of lectures allowed our students to easily master the material and interact at the seminar, answering the lecturer's questions and asking their questions.

The scientist spoke about the latest research in the field of renewable energy and the financial feasibility of significant investments in renewable energy sources, and also presented to the audience a variety of examples of developments, such as wind farms in Portugal. Holding a seminar for young scientists gave impetus and direction to research on alternative and renewable energy sources.