The results of the first round of the XV Republican subject Olympiad are summed up

On March 01, 2023, the first round of the XV Republican Subject Olympiad was held in the disciplines: "Organization of transportation and traffic management," "Organization of cargo and commercial work," "Transport logistics," "Fundamentals of logistics." The Olympiad was attended by 20 students of 2-3 courses in the educational program "6V11301 - Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport" and "6V11302 - Logistics (by industry)."

A welcoming speech was delivered to the participants of the subject Olympiad, Chairman of the Competition Committee, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department "Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Operation of Transport" M.I. Arpabekov, who thanked the students for their interest and participation in the competition of the I round of the XV Republican Subject Olympiad. I wished everyone good luck!

According to the results of the subject Olympiad, members of the organizing committee noted the high training of all participants.

Owners of the best results of the first round of the XV Republican Subject Olympiad in disciplines: "Transportation and traffic management," "Organization of cargo and commercial work," "Transport logistics," "Logistics fundamentals":

1. по дисциплине «Организация грузовой и коммерческой работы»:

I место – Турсумбекова Сабина - В095-11301-20-02

II место – Югай Александра - В095-11301-20-02

II место – Абдуллин Дамир - В095-11301-20-02

III место - Мақсут Қасымхан - В095-11301-20-02

III место – Синельникова Александра - В095-11301-20-02

III место – Адилов Тамирлан - В095-11301-20-02


2. по дисциплине «Организация перевозок и управление движением»:

I место – Сатыбалды Олжас - В095-11301-21-02

II место – Доскалиев Рамазан - В095-11301-21-02

II место – Молдасанов Багашар - В095-11301-21-02

III место – Аскаров Абай - В095-11301-21-02

III место – Кенжетаева Айым - В095-11301-21-02


3. по дисциплине «Транспортная логистика»:

I место – Смагулова Азиза В095-11302-20-02

II место – Готман Даяна - В095-11302-20-01

II место – Пазылбек Ботагөз - В095-11302-20-01

III место – Байғалиқызы Айтолқын - В095-11302-20-01

III место – Есеркепова Аделя В095-11302-20-02


4.по дисциплине «Основы логистики»:

I место – Канатова Мадина В095-11302-20-02

II место – Даниярбеков Дархан В095-11302-20-02

II место – Муслимов Радик В095-11302-20-02

III место – Мырзақұл Балым - В095-11302-20-01

III место -  Асқарова Мерей - В095-11302-20-01