"On May 12, 2020, the Department held a preliminary defense of diploma works in the specialty" 5B0901000-Organization of transport, traffic and operation of transport".

The online meeting was held using the Microsoft Teams platform. Microsoft Teams is an enterprise platform that combines chat, meetings, notes, and attachments in the workspace.

The program is great for individual and group sessions, students can go with computer and tablet or phone. Team members can connect to the video conference, as well as guests who have a username and password from the Platonus system.

The Commission, which included the head Of the Department Arpabekov M. I., art. Aitkhozhina A. S. and responsible for the bachelor's degree, art. Ibraeva B. S. and the heads of theses, students of the 4th year. Students presented a presentation and an electronic version of the thesis. The Commission listened to the report with slides while online and discussed the results.

Topics of theses and master's theses submitted for pre-defense are relevant, for example, dedicated to the organization of transportation and operation of transport, etc. Some of the research results were tested by students and undergraduates through participation in international and national conferences and publications in scientific journals.

In terms of content, the works have a high scientific value, meet all the requirements, both in terms of the amount of scientific literature used, normative material, and the total volume, scientific research is of great practical importance. The thesis students and the thesis work of graduate students were recommended for protection.